Are you a lazy landscaper? Do you have yard envy? If you’ve longingly looked at another home or commercial property’s green space and asked yourself, “how do I make my place look like that?” then you’ve come to the right place. With professional guidance, you can have the thriving garden beds you want without the tiresome maintenance of doing it yourself. The secret to low-maintenance garden beds is knowing who to turn to for the right advice.
Some of the tips you may hear from a professional landscaper include:

Don’t be afraid to add hardscaping
Patios, sitting areas, retaining walls, and walkways can help you create more defined garden beds so that you know exactly the amount of space you have to work with. The benefit of hardscaping your lawn or garden area is that it creates usable space that doesn’t need to be mowed or watered.
Plant predominately perennial plants
Planting predominately perennial plants is a great way to achieve the low-maintenance gardens of your dreams. You can purchase a small or young plant for a relatively low price. Year after year, it will come back bigger and better.
Lean on native plants
Do your research about the native plants in your area! You can consult with a landscape gardener for information about your soil and the best species to plant for your yard’s unique microclimate. Compared to non-native plants, native plants are more drought-tolerant and more pest resistant. There are also ecological benefits of supporting the native wildlife and insects.
Incorporate evergreens
If you are planting trees or shrubs in front of your windows or around your property’s border, you will want to look for something evergreen. Evergreens do not drop their leaves in the winter and maintain your desired look all-year-round.
Use border plants
Grasses and border plants will give your garden beds defined and eye-catching edges. Border plants should be deer resistant and hardy enough to last the whole season. Many landscapers offer seasonal flower service, where you can select your preferred plants and have them planted professionally each season.
For helpful tips, expert advice, and quality landscaping and hardscaping services, don’t hesitate to reach out to our team today!